Monday, February 1, 2010

Tricky lyrics

You know when you hear a good tune and the lyrics are a bit vague...but they sound like something else in your head so you just roll with that instead? Well finding out what the actual lyrics are never fails to be quite the treat. It tends to happen one of two ways: curiosity sinks in and ya look up the lyrics yourself or you're cruising along jamming out but your mellow gets harshed when your friend has to point out:'re singing it wrong. But hey sometimes the lyrics you've come up with are actually good, perhaps even better than the ones you've misunderstood. If you like them better, why not just stick with them, it doesn't have to be "wrong,"simply your own. It's just a song, it's not like IYAZ (not Sean Kingston) would actually care if you sing "It's like an eyeball stuck on my plate," opposed to "It's like my i-pod's stuck on replay." Not that having an eyeball stuck on your plate is any better, but if ya like it...why not.

Or just sing a song your way when the occasion calls for it. Example, "Fans" by Kings of Leon, it has an open road sound to it. The opening line is: "Home grown," if I'm on the road I choose to hear "On the road.." instead. Then again there are those times when the song does make much more sense when you find out what they are actually saying. Example, for the longest time I thought David Lee Murphy's hit "Dust on the Bottle" was "Dust on the bottom." My world was enlightened when I found that out. But the other times, no need to allow our imagination be constricted. It's music, just let your imagination groove to it.


  1. I agree Alex. And the dust on the bottle reference, same here when I was a kid. Sean Kingston may not mind too much about changing the lyrics, but Iyaz might. He is the man who sings Replay.

    Keep up the good work!


  2. Ah, the radio guy would know, thanks for the heads up!

  3. Alex...Lost your phone number and not quite sure on your email address....I know I am quite resourceful....I have a fun story in mind for you that involves a benefit concert downtown, but I need to clear it with Diff in the morning...that or you get to enjoy the fun of a book club! (honestly, I will find better.) anyways....when u get this...shoot me a text to 308-440-0773 so I will have your number....that or just email me at Peace!

  4. There's a name for these - mondagreen's
