Sunday, February 21, 2010

When I kicked it with Gypsies...

At last, in a land far from the horizons that had put away so many of my sunsets. Lost in the world around me, yet finding so much within. Somehow I had failed to reflect on the existence of this world and its people, had thought it to be nothing more than mystical place off in the distance. Now, I found myself soaking in its reality, and allowing it to quench my desire to be far away. At first, looking out, I pondered on what else these lands could possibly quench. But for now and to the people embracing me, it was home and there was fulfillment in that. Soon they would be moving on and so would I. Where? The answer was blowing in the wind and it would lead us when it came. When?...was what mattered the least. The same morning star that once restricted my days as simply day and night, was now setting me free among these people. Somewhere along the way they had managed to liberate themselves from the futile desire of grasping onto time...

1 comment:

  1. Love the music, not sure I can decode the rest of this post.
